Wednesday 3 July 2024

Stock Doves

 Chris tells me his brother, also in Llangwyryfon,  has had two Stock Doves on the ground around his feeders on and off over the past week or so.

Morfa Bychan

 Morfa Bychan 29 June- 2 July: Manx Shearwater 3,000+ north 2nd. Gannets 10+ The odd Guillemot & Razorbill. Golden Plover single south 30th. Curlew, Shelduck, four juv Wheatear. Up to 7 Chough. Grey Seal.

 Pete Hackett

Sunday 30 June 2024

Great White Egret

 Still present at the bog hide (Cors Caron) from at least the 24th. Also here and at Maes Llyn pool; Little Egret, Tufted Duck 2, Whinchats, Cuckoo, Willow Tits, Redpolls, Curlew, Snipe, 6 sp. of warbler and a pair of Coots with 3 juvs. A pair of Tufted Ducks were on Pant Pool as well as a Kingfisher.

Friday 28 June 2024

Common Scoters

Two male Common Scoters at Ynyslas this morning

.David Williams 

Sunday 23 June 2024


 At Gwbert, eleven Common scoter, razorbill and fulmar and on the patch, twenty curlew and eight barnacle geese. 

Mark Norris. 

Great White Egret on Frongoch Lake

 As I was looking out of my bedroom window this morning I saw something bright white on the edge of the lake opposite. Put specs on & thought it was a great white heron. Dashed down to car to grab my binoculars & confirmed it. Ran in to get phone to record it but noise from car door must have scared it off 

It came back soon afterwards. Rubbish photo but it's from my bedroom window which needs cleaning, on on my iPhone which isn't great!

Lynne Pollock

Saturday 22 June 2024


 I did the cliff walk from Borth to Sarn Gynfelyn and back  this afternoon and counted 12 different Chough including one group of six.

David B Williams

Friday 21 June 2024

Pont Llanio area

Did my late visit to my WBBS stretch Wednesday 19 June.

Highlights were Kingfisher feeding chicks by the bridge and a male Reed Bunting further down river - the first I'd had since I took it over in 2019. I have been surprised I hadn't seen or heard this species before, given the good habitat. Previous record was in 2017. I have also been struck by the absence of Sedge Warbler, either singing or visual.

Downside was the absence of Willow Tit again - last seen in 2021 (a pair displaying agitated behaviour, indicating nearby nest). Also no Goosander or Mute Swan - or Sand Martins.

Ian Harrison 

Thursday 20 June 2024

Moelgolomen Yellowhammers


Like Jerry recently, I went on my annual June visit to Moelgolomen yesterday afternoon and was delighted to find three singing male yellowhammers. One was singing to the right on the hillside just after the first gate and the other two were duetting on the left hand slope after the second gate. Also a singing whinchat and a brood of stonechats.

Russell Jones

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Nightjar in Llangwyryfon

 Chris Bird has had some unusual birds on his land over the years but never a Nightjar before.  Early last Sunday afternoon he heard the distinctive call, described in Collins Bird Guide as - a frog-like but sonorous "kruit", coming from.trees at the end of his drive.  Despite his best efforts the bird, still calling,  remained unseen.  It must then have flown off, as he heard several more calls from the far side of a nearby field